Our seasonal bouquet catalogs provide photos and information regarding the current bouquets FreshBlooms has to offer! To pre-book in advance, contact your Freshblooms Sales Associate today.

Planning Is the Key To Success
Our goal is to provide all of our customers with not only the highest quality of fresh-cut flowers and expert service, we also offer exclusive programs to help you better prepare for each change in season and holiday. We are constantly developing our seasonal offerings and weekly pre-book to include an extensive collection of in-demand items at competitive pricing.
Let our team of experienced and dedicated Sales Associates work closely with you to help develop a plan to make your floral department stand out from the competition!
Seasonal Bouquets
Independent Grocer
Our Independent Grocer Program (IGP) is designed to fulfill requirements of independent grocery stores, recognizing needs of a store with minimal labor and small merchandising areas.
If you are interested in signing up, or would like more information regarding our Independent Grocer Program, please contact Robyn Macrina:
Telephone: 800-798-4355 x1568
E-mail: rmacrina@freshblooms.com